QR Code Attendance System


Aberdeen Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, SCNU


13 months


Website design, front-end development, team code collaboration


Aberdeen Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, SCNU


13 months


Website design, front-end development, team code collaboration

The Web-based (Mobile) QR Code Attendance System

Frontend Development

The system’s frontend is developed using Vue.js version 3, leveraging its capabilities to ensure a reactive and component-driven architecture. This framework supports efficient rendering and state management, making it ideal for the real-time functionalities required in an attendance system.

  • Vue.js 3: Utilized for its reactive core and composition API, enhancing the system’s reactivity and maintainability.

  • HTML/CSS: Structured and styled the interface, ensuring it is both appealing and functional on mobile devices.

  • JavaScript: Integrates with hardware features like the camera for QR code scanning, providing a seamless user experience.

Backend Development

Node.js serves as the backend environment, with Express.js framework facilitating the routing and middleware functionalities. This setup efficiently handles requests for QR code generation and attendance data management.

  • Node.js and Express.js: Handle API requests, route management, and server-side logic.

  • RESTful API: Developed to maintain clear communication between the frontend and backend, using standard HTTP methods for CRUD operations.

Database Management

A dual-database approach is adopted, combining MySQL and MongoDB to leverage the strengths of both SQL and NoSQL database technologies.

  • MySQL: Used for storing structured data such as user profiles and course information, ensuring data integrity and supporting complex queries.

  • MongoDB: Manages unstructured data like attendance logs and session details, providing flexibility and scalability to handle large volumes of data.

Security Measures

The system incorporates several security protocols to ensure data integrity and protect user information.

  • SSL/TLS: Encrypts data transmitted between clients and servers, safeguarding against interception.

  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens): Secures user sessions and maintains user state across HTTP requests without storing session information on the server.

  • CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing): Implements policies to restrict resources to web pages depending on their origin, preventing unauthorized access.

System Administration and Maintenance

Administrative functionalities are robust, providing system operators with tools needed for monitoring and managing the system effectively.

  • Logging and Auditing: System activities are logged, enabling effective monitoring and problem-solving.

  • Data Backup and Recovery: Regular backups ensure data preservation, with recovery processes in place to maintain system integrity in case of failures.


Aberdeen Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, SCNU


13 months


Website design, front-end development, team code collaboration