
Aberdeen Institute, SCNU


3 weeks


Website front-end design / development


Aberdeen Institute, SCNU


3 weeks


Website front-end design / development

Aberdeen Institute Comprehensive Quality Evaluation System

This digital platform is designed for the comprehensive quality evaluation of university students at South China Normal University. It leverages the Vue.js framework to create a dynamic and interactive environment for both administrators and students.

Website Features

  • Responsive and Interactive Interface: Adapts to various devices and screen sizes, providing an optimal user experience.

  • Advanced Technologies: Integrates Vue.js, Node.js, and MongoDB to ensure efficient data handling and user interaction.

  • Security and Data Protection: Implements robust security measures to protect sensitive student information and evaluation data.

  • Deep Learning Integration: Utilizes a TabNet deep learning model to analyze students' performance and predict future educational outcomes.

Website Structure

  • Home: Dashboard overview displaying key metrics and status of student evaluations.

  • Student Profile: Detailed records of individual students' academic and extracurricular activities.

  • Evaluation Tools: Tools for administrators to conduct and manage evaluations, with automated data processing.

  • Analytics: Provides comprehensive analytics on student performance, highlighting trends and areas for improvement.

  • Settings: Allows users to customize features and manage account settings.

Frontend Technology Stack

The system utilizes Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework, for building user interfaces. The frontend architecture is designed to be dynamic and responsive, ensuring compatibility across different devices and screen resolutions.

  • Vue.js: Facilitates the creation of dynamic user interfaces and single-page applications.

  • HTML5 and CSS3: Used for structuring and styling the web pages, ensuring a modern and user-friendly layout.

  • JavaScript: Enhances interactive elements on the website, providing a seamless user experience.

The use of these technologies allows the system to offer a clean, intuitive, and efficient interface that simplifies the complexity of comprehensive evaluations.

Backend Database

The backend of the system is powered by MongoDB, a NoSQL database, which supports the system's need for high-performance, flexibility, and scalable data storage.

  • MongoDB: Stores all student data and evaluation results. Its schema-less nature allows for the storage of various data types and structures, making it ideal for handling the multi-dimensional data involved in comprehensive evaluations.

  • Node.js: Used on the server-side to handle requests and execute JavaScript code outside a web browser, facilitating efficient data processing and API management.


Aberdeen Institute, SCNU


3 weeks


Website front-end design / development